2. Getting Started

2.1. Buying a GoPiGo3

To buy a GoPiGo3 robot, please head over to our online shop and search for the GoPiGo3 robot. From our shop, you can get sensors for your robot such as the Distance Sensor, the Grove Light Sensor, etc.


2.2. Assembling GoPiGo3

For assembling your GoPiGo3 robot, read the instructions from the following page: assembling instructions.

2.3. Connecting to GoPiGo3

To connect to your GoPiGo3 robot with a computer or laptop, read the instructions on the following page: connecting to robot.

2.4. Program your GoPiGo3

To program your GoPiGo3 to do what you want, you can follow the instructions found here (programming your robot) or follow the rest of instructions found in this section.

To install or update the GoPiGo3 library on your RaspberryPi, open a terminal or the command line and type the following command:

# follow any given instructions given through this command

curl -kL dexterindustries.com/update_gopigo3 | bash

Also, in order to be able to use the easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.init_distance_sensor() and easygopigo3.EasyGoPiGo3.init_line_follower() methods, the DI-Sensors package is required. You can install it or update it with the following command in the terminal:

# follow any given instructions given through this command

curl -kL dexterindustries.com/update_sensors | bash

2.5. Connect More Sensors

The GoPiGo3 can also be paired with our in-house sensors. There are a number of digital and analog sensors that can be connected to the GoPiGo3. We have further in-depth documentation on the following 4 sensors:

For more on getting started with these sensors, please check the DI-Sensors documentation.